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All CollectionsStudent HelpCreating Custom Simulations
Self-Guided Presentation Practice Setup
Self-Guided Presentation Practice Setup

This article will walk you through creating your own custom presentation simulations.

Written by InStage Support
Updated over a week ago

Quick Steps


  • Sign In/ Sign Up

  • Select "Generate" on the Presentation Sim Type

  • Enter Information about presentation

  • Select Interviewer

  • Start Meeting


  • Edit Information

  • Edit Question List

One of InStage's main purposes is to provide you, the user, with a tool to help you hone in on your presentation skills. If you would like to learn how to set up your own custom presentation, look no further!

Video Demonstration For Students

Step 1. Make sure you are signed in. If you do not have an account, you will have to create one by doing one of the following listed below

Sign In By Position:

  • If you are a student, you will need to create an account by selecting one of the simulation links presented to you in the outline and choosing the create account option.

  • If you are not a student and would like to utilize InStage for your Business or Institution, you can schedule a meeting with Imran by clicking here

  • If you would just like to give InStage a try, click on the "Start Free Trial" Button on the InStage home page.

Step 2. Select The Generate Button under the Job Interview option to begin customizing your own interview.

Step 3. Enter Information. You will have a space to enter in your presentation title as well as key information about what you will be presenting. This could be a brief sentence or two or the entire script of your presentation with possible questions that listeners may ask.

Step 4. Choose Audience Member and Generate. You can select one of InStage's unique characters and even assign them a personality type.

Step 5. Start Meeting. If you are satisfied with the information provided, you can start your meeting. If you would like to make personal adjustments and customization, then you can continue the next steps.

These next steps are optional and for staff only:

Step 6. Edit Information. If you would like to add, remove, or change any auto-generated information, you can do so easily.

Step 7. Edit Question List. If you would like to add specific questions, you can do so easily by clicking on generate questions and then editing them with the pencil icon. You can also change the order in which the questions are asked by clicking on the up/down arrow icons.

Step 8. Start Meeting. After you are satisfied, you can select "Start Meeting" to run your simulation!

For information about your post-interview-report click here

If you are being asked to submit this as an assignment click here

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