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General: Customize Your Own Simulation
General: Customize Your Own Simulation

Creating mock interviews and simulations has never been easier! Here's how in just 4 Steps using InStage.

Written by InStage Support
Updated over a week ago

Quick Steps:

  • ​Sign In

  • Click Create Simulation

  • Copy & Paste Job Title/ Description (or make your own)

  • Upload Resume (Optional)

  • Choose an Interviewer & Start!

Creating your own simulations is crucial to using InStage to it's full potential. InStage makes it easy to run a simulation on any job imaginable in as few clicks as possible.

Step 1. Make sure you are signed in. If you do not have an account, you will have to create one by doing one of the following listed below

Sign In By Position:

  • If you are a student, you will need to create an account by selecting one of the interviews presented to you in the outline and choosing the create account option.

  • If you are not a student and would like to utilize InStage for your Business or Institution, you can schedule a meeting with Imran by clicking here

  • If you would just like to give InStage a try, click on the "Start Free Trial" Button on the InStage home page.

Step 2. Select "Create Simulation" on the home page and select one of the simulation types.

Step 3. Fill in the Job Title & Description by Copy/Pasting from LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, or any other job description.

Step 4. (Optional) Upload Your Resume

​Step 5. Select a Interviewer & Begin! Each interviewer has a unique personality.

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